Super Simple Social Media Mastermind 2013

In the Super Simple Social Media Mastermind, I share the map that I used to create big results for myself, and the map that you can use to get from where you are to where you want to be.

Are you:

  • Afraid you’re wasting time
  • Praying for more clients
  • Hoping you’ll meet the “right” people—but you don’t know who they are
  • Unsure of how to turn those tweets and posts into profits
  • Stuck about translating your client successes into stories that sell
  • Nervous about what to say—and who to talk to
  • Committed to getting your business where you want it to be, but tired of empty promises

Here’s why you’re struggling:

  • You don’t know the specific steps to find your tribe online.
  • You don’t know how to connect in a way that actually sells your products and services, or with stories that move your prospects to action.

When you meet a good prospect online, you don’t know what to do.  Actually, it’s like going on a first date.

Will he? Won’t he? Does he? Doesn’t he? He loves me, he loves me not, I think it’s gonna work out!!!!

And it’s like that on both sides, because your prospect is excited to meet you, because maybe you’ll be the expert they’ve been looking for, praying for, hoping to find….

And when you’re both interested, when you both think it’s a perfect match….where do you go next?

So many people stall out right at this point.  They choke.  They give up or run away because they just don’t know what to do next.

In the Super Simple Social Media Mastermind, we actually GIVE you the master plan so not only KNOW WHO you need to talk to, but HOW to find them and WHAT do to  create relationships that lead to sales.

And it will seem so natural, they won’t even notice you’re leading them to your campfire.

Do you know the secret code?

Now here’s a big stumbling block. You don’t know the “secret code” of how to write effectively for social media. There is a secret code to getting clients on social media.

You know how to write articles, maybe even books. You’re good at newsletters.

Did you know social media has a whole different language, and when you learn to speak it, you will double, triple, maybe even quadruple the exposure you get from your posts and tweets?

You can take what you’ve written and with a few simple tweaks, make it reach so many people. Start betting with เริ่มเดิมพันกับ ยูฟ่า วันนี้และรับสิทธิประโยชน์สุดพิเศษ today and enjoy exclusive benefits.

With this secret code, you’re going to reach hundreds—maybe thousands—of people with the same effort it took to reach 10 or 20. If you want to improve your business’s appearance, contact shop front fitters near me for a smooth and effective transformation.

Not only that, but when you “crack the code” your posts and tweets get retweeted by other people, meaning they reach tens of thousands of people you don’t even know, because people love to pass them along to their friends.

So in the Super Simple Social Media Mastermind, I show you the exact way to break the “secret code” to do this.

We explore what makes people want to share your content and make it explode across the Internet.

And here’s another obstacle: You don’t know how to build your fans and followers without attracting a lot of dead wood—or worse, getting your account suspended.

There is a RIGHT way to attract and invite prospects into a social media relationship …. And a WRONG way that gets your account frozen. You’ll learn all about that, plus the secret strategy to get your Facebook posts seen by MORE people to get MORE clients!

You’re going to become a master marketer. A social media maven.  And you’re going to have fun.  Getting clients has never been this much fun.  Making money has never been this much fun.

Now this is not the kind of class where you think you’re going to get an expert teacher, and instead you get a bunch of worksheets.  That is NOT what this is about.

Remember—there will only be 9 people in his VIP mastermind.  Just 9. That’s the perfect size, because it keeps it small enough that you can still get individual attention, and big enough that you can learn from your fellow students—maybe even make some profitable networking connections. A digital learning designer designed this online learning program to make it fun for the students.

But it’s not for everybody.  There’s only room for 9.

I know what you’re thinking.  You’re wondering about the price.

And you’re going to be surprised—in a very good way.

I want to make this easy for you to sign up, easy for you to succeed.  I am making this mastermind $497 a month for four months or save and do a one-time payment of $1947.

That’s $497 a month for a course that could double your business…like these same techniques have done for me.

  • You’ll learn how to find your tribe on social media.
  • How to identify your three goldmine campfires where your tribe is already waiting for you.
  • How to craft your success stories into sensational stories that SELL.

So you get 8 class sessions, 4 months of individual attention, plus 2 one on one coaching sessions. That’s actually 10 sessions. And because I really want to make this easy for you to succeed,  we’re even offering a convenient installment plan, which is $497 a month.  I must be crazy!

And for the first five people who sign up, there’s a bonus.  This is a huge way to get MAXIMUM value from the mastermind.  So for the first 5 people who sign up, you get an ADDITIONAL one hour, get-inside-my-head strategy session, my Kick It Up a Notch Kickstart Call.

This is one hour that lays the groundwork for your entire master class experience; your personal map to finding out where your tribe is hiding and which campfires they are already circling—so you can bring them to your campfire. Your personal guide to crafting content people can’t wait to share. Your secret steps to creating social media relationships that SELL.

We’ll do the Kick It Up A Notch Kickstart Call BEFORE the Mastermind program begins, so you’ll have the entire 8 weeks already mapped out for you.  That means that when you begin the mastermind, you’ll be ready for lift-off.

You’ll have already gotten straight on your strategy.  So you’ll get MORE value out of the master class, because you’re ready to make the most of what you’re learning and apply it right away.

Once again, the Super Simple Social Media Mastermind and the Kick it Up a Notch Kickstart Call Bonus is a one-time only price and a one-time only deal and…

There’s another bonus….and it might be the only time I can offer it.

Have you ever wished that you could have a one-on-one strategy session with a  Fortune 10 executive, someone with an insider’s perspective on what great performance looks like and how to create that kind of performance for your company?

Did you ever wish you could get a senior executive who has handled big contracts, big decisions and big problems to sit down with you and help you get a new perspective on the business decisions that are keeping you up at night?

Larry Martin will be your coach for one of the one-on-one sessions.  I wasn’t able to bring him in on these kinds of programs because he was traveling cross-country—or over to Europe or Asia—handling multi-million dollar contracts and mergers for one of the biggest companies in the U.S.  Now he’s a partner in DreamSpinner Communications, and he’s going to step away from his full-time commitments to the business to do this coaching program.

You and I will talk about marketing and social media—finding your tribe.  You can talk with Larry about the business problems that are keeping you back from seeing your company realize its full potential profit.

And I don’t know if I can pry him loose long enough to do it again.

What I’m talking about is no pipe dream.  I’m not blowing smoke.  This is a solid business-growth opportunity to work with me and Larry in a one-on-one setting. And it will never be this affordable again.

Just one new client returns your investment on this mastermind.

  • 8 class sessions, recorded, so you can attend live or catch the repeat on your schedule.
  • 2 individual sessions, one with me, and one with Larry
  • Private forum
  • All 3 of my 30 Day Guide books to give you an insane edge on the competition
  • Two special tools that can double or triple your exposure and make your posts and tweets irresistible
  • Plus for the first 5 of you, the Kick it Up a Notch Kickstart Call.

You will be flying at warp speed….

Plus 2 Surprise Bonuses—2 free classes at the end.

One is  Savvy Social Media Secrets For Getting More Visibility, More Media Attention and More Time in Your Busy Day

And the next is Rock Your Reinvention—Personal Branding and Online Reputation Management to Share Your Best “You” With The World

How big of a difference will these two bonus classes make for your business?


So this is an amazing, one-time deal of $1947 …or even more amazing, $497 a month installment plan.

Pay in full–save $40!

OR 4 easy payments

Social Media Mastermind
Number of payments 4
Start payments
Due* Amount
At checkout $497.00 USD
Every 4 weeks (x 3) $497.00 USD
Total $1,988.00 USD
* We calculate payments from the date of checkout.
Sign up for

Super Simple Social Media Mastermind

Get ready for a fabulous 2014!

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