Surprising Reasons Why People Are Too Intimidated to Ask For Your Help

by Gail Z. Martin

Do you know why people don’t ask for help when they need it?  Why someone would continue on, in pain, watching their business fail…and not ask for help?

There are usually two reasons: They are ashamed to ask for help, and they’re afraid to spend money.

Often, people won’t ask for help until they’ve tried to do everything themselves and it didn’t work and now they’re really, really scared and their back is against the wall.  And that’s a shame.

So how do you turn that around?

With stories.  Make sure your stories make it easy for people to see themselves doing what the clients in your stories have done. Knowing that other people have faced those problems and asked for help makes it easier for your clients to do the same. Not only that, but social media sites like Facebook, Pinterest and YouTube are fantastic places to share your stories.

And when your clients see an outcome in your story that they want for themselves, money stops being an issue. It’s that simple.


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