Does it seem strange to talk about something as high tech as social media in the same breath as something as “woo-woo” as intuition? It shouldn’t. I believe that intuition is part of everything we do—if we listen for it. Intuition is definitely part of business, although men like to call it “having a hunch” or “going with your gut.” Women are often afraid to speak about intuition in business settings at all for fear of looking soft on metrics. But our fear of speaking about or acknowledging intuition doesn’t make it less real.
How does intuition play into social media? Have you ever had a “hunch” that you should (or shouldn’t) talk about a certain topic? Ever felt like something was pushing you to comment right now on a topic? Have you ever thought about a friend or colleague and opened Facebook only to find a new post or message from that very person? Better yet, have you ever felt internally pushed to contact someone you hadn’t talked to in a long time, only to discover they had the key to a problem you were trying to solve?
All those factors play into our social media presence. Do you have an inkling that a certain topic would be hot with your readers? Run with it. Something in the back of your mind tell you not to weigh in on a popular subject? Better listen. Feel drawn to answer a particular question on a forum board or recommend a person you haven’t seen for a while on LinkedIn? Do it!
Social media is just a large-scale, virtual model of the water cooler or small town grocery store where everyone gathers for news. Don’t be afraid to let your intuition guide your conversation when you interact online, in the same way it should be prompting and prodding you when you meet with people face to face. You might be surprised at the results!