Category Archives: Guest Blogger

What Story are You Living?

by Valerie R. Sheppard

One of my Lollipop Ship sisters (long and lovely story for another time) mentioned being asked this question as part of one of her transformational workshops.  I love its simultaneouslysimple yet profound nature, which I’ve experienced is often the case with big questions or statements.  I couldn’t help but ponder.

The “story” that I’m living has been a primary subject as I’ve been immersed in and devoted to my journey of transformation over the past several years.   This journey started with the simple question of “Who Am I?” in the midst of a profound experience that landed me in the emergency room at Hoag Hospital.  It’s continued with many variations on that theme, as well as completely different themes altogether, as I’ve peeled back layers to get beyond the surface.

I uncovered the past being lived as if it were the present, fiction being lived as if it were truth, and worn-out habits being lived as if they were the only options for how to live.  At the beginning, the journey often left me exhausted and weeping, feeling judgment, blame, shame and guilt.  But as I’ve gone higher into Consciousness and deeper into the True nature of mySelf, I know everything is part of a Greater Plan, and every situation is a gift of my Soul’s unfolding evolution.

The story I’m living now is about being the Peace, Love, Joy and Freedom I came here to be, and to shepherd as many people there with me as I can.  I like to think big, so I’m inviting multitudes into their own such journeys, and I’m sharing my experiences both as witness and supporter.

Is your current story about lack, limitation, fear, sadness, or hurt?  Does it have chaos, clutter, catastrophe behind every door?  Are your relationships characterized by betrayal, silence, anger, or abuse?   These situations are calling you to write a new story.

Is there happiness, but it feels too fleeting?  Are you doing fine, but not feeling content and fulfilled?  Is your life good when you want great?  These situations are calling you to write a new story.

Whatever the seminal simple and profound question is for you, whatever the time and place you ask it, I encourage you to get on with the asking. Ask the really juicy questions about your life, why you’re here, and why you do what you do.  Take time away from the busy-busy-go-go-go nature of that doingness, and invest some time in doingness that’s about getting clarity. Where do your own past and present collide, where is illusion masquerading as reality in your life, and where have old worn-out habits become all there is for you?  What aspects of the story are you holding as the very “you-ness of you,” when they actually no longer serve you? What will be your shift into the story you were meant to live?

It’s only in doing the exploration that we find the treasure.  My treasure chest of awakenings continues to provide me bountiful gifts. I’m living my Happy to Be ME!story.  When will you begin to live yours?

So here you go … What story are you living?

Blessings, Love and Light!

I can help you go deeper than the surface and become free from what no longer serves you in your story.  Join my FREE Heartful Awakening Circle online community at and receive my “Smooth Sailing” eBook, monthly coaching calls and more!  You can also contact me for a complimentary private “From Tired to Inspired” consultation or to book a private coaching engagement:

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Give Yourself a Gift — Self Love!

by Valerie R. Sheppard

The words are famous … “How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways.”   How wonderful to have those words spoken tous.  It’s even sweet to have someone very special to say these words to.  Very storybook romantic.  But here’s the thing.  How many of us say them to ourselves?  If you said “Ickypoo! Why would I do that?”  then I encourage you to read one of my favorite articles on the power of the relationship we keep with ourselves.

Yes, we need to have a relationship with ourselves!  It’s the centerpiece of everything that happens to us, for us, and created by us.  Do you know who you are to you? Hmmm.  If you are at all like I was in the past, you’re more judge, jury and executioner than nurturing advocate.  And I bet you wonder why you’re feeling judged and beaten up?  It’s time to get some SELF-love on. Check it out!

Blessings, Love and Light!


For help loving yourself unconditionally, join my FREE Heartful Awakening Circle online community at  You can also contact me for a complimentary “From Tired to Inspired” consultation or to book a coaching engagement:

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Beating Stress, Fatigue & Overwhelm, Now and Into the New Year

By Jana Beeman, CHHP, CHT, AADP

While many office workers get a bit of a break over the holidays (not all, of course, as there is year-end to take care of), those of us with businesses of our own are very busy, juggling the holiday festivities and obligations with closing our year end, evaluating our year, and preparing for the next year. Being in business for yourself has lots of benefits but it also can mean a lot of additional stresses.

So how do we keep our cool over the holidays, while giving our families and our businesses the attention they deserve?

First, take a DEEP BREATH. Center for a moment. Make a list of what you have to get done, when it needs to be done by, and what things can be delegated or wait until January. Remember most of our stress is self-imposed, and we do have the ability to put some things off a week or so. Think about if hiring a virtual assistant for a couple of weeks would help you get everything done with less stress if you’re a solopreneur.

Learn to use the power of the word NO. Ya, I know – we all like to be able to do everything, but really take a step back, think about what you have on your plate, and make a realistic outline of what you can and cannot commit to. If you tell people you simply don’t have the capacity to add another event, obligation, etc. to your schedule until after the first week of January, most will understand. If it’s a personal request, try sending a gift or adding value to what you CAN do later, just to make sure there are no hurt feelings.

Plan your holidays INCLUDING time to relax and do spontaneous things – you NEED that, and taking that time will make the rest of your time much more productive.

Focus on your business and personal goals. Anything that doesn’t lead toward those goals is something to either consider for your scheduled free time or might be worth passing on.

Each morning, take 10 minutes to draft out a to-do list, and put them in order of importance. Look at the bottom 1/3 of the list and see if there is anything there which can either be eliminated or delegated. We all think we have to do things that don’t do anything for our business.

Focus on what you need to work on, giving it 100% of your attention until it’s done. No checking email, answering phones, or anything else until that first item is checked off the list. Multitasking is not productive. Limit checking email to twice a day.

Take frequent breaks to breathe, refocus, and see if you need to shift direction at all. Breathing deeply into the body relaxes both body and mind, allowing us to focus better with less stress.

Lay off the caffeine and sugar. They create a ‘fight or flight’ response in the body, triggering the release of adrenaline and cortisone, creating physical stress in the body. By limiting the caffeine and sugar, you’ll feel better, be more grounded and have much better concentration, so you can get more done with your day.

Improve your quality of sleep to feel more rested and relaxed, again, improving productivity. Don’t eat or drink anything but a little water after 6pm, sleep in a completely dark room or wear an eye cover, don’t work where you sleep, keep the room cool enough so you can snuggle into your blankets. A little melatonin at night can really help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep better. Melatonin is something your body naturally produces that aids with sleep, but many of us don’t produce enough, so taking a good quality supplement of between 2 – 5 mg 30 minutes before bed can be really helpful.

When situations stress you out:

  • Breathe…. It’s not the end of the world, no matter what is going on
  • Focus on what you CAN control – you can always control yourself. You can control your feelings and reactions, and getting upset doesn’t help anyone
  • Look forward to the desired outcome and know the current irritant will pass
  • Walk in the other guy’s shoes. I know – we’ve all heard this, but how many of us stop to think that the woman who just stole the great bargain we were about to snag right out from under our nose might have only been able to afford to give that one thing at THAT price? Or maybe it’s for her mother in the hospital? Or maybe she’s got a serious medical condition? Maybe that idiot driver who cut you off just found out his family is in town for a surprise visit, or he just got laid off at work, or maybe he’s just not having a great day. Be compassionate, and on those days when you find yourself swooping that sale item or driving like a doofus, when you realize you weren’t your best self, maybe others will forgive you too. Life is too short to be pissy, if you’ll pardon my French.

I’d also recommend that when you have one of those days when you can’t get your mind off the holidays, all the things you have to do, shopping you need to get done… just make a list, and if you can do some of the shopping or contacting online, take an hour, and get it off your mind. Then schedule time to handle the rest.

At the end of each day, clean your mental slate, knowing you’ve done your best, and tomorrow is another day. Remember we are all human, and we’ll always want to do more than we realistically can, so be gentle with yourself and people you work with, as well as your family.

No matter what your religious beliefs or personal philosophy, be respectful of what others believe, and give yourself permission to treat this time of year as a time to live in grace and compassion. That opens the door for all kinds of cool things to happen J

If you could use some support, visit and sign up for my free special report on 10 Tips to Feel Incredible Now, or, for those of you who suffer from migraines, go to my migraine page at and download a whole big kit of goodies to help you get through the holidays with less pain, as my gift to you.

Jana Beeman is a Board Certified Health, Nutrition and Fitness Counselor, certified in Hypnosis, Yoga and Modified Yoga, meditation, EFT and stress relief trainer and a specialist in chronic migraine, food allergies and inflammation, and beating stress and fatigue. AADP Certified. She is a national speaker and telesummits host and is regularly featured on radio programs such as Spirit Radio, Women’s Radio and SQR-fm as well as her own podcasts, newsletters and blog.

Free 30-minute “Find Your Vibrant Life” consults are available on a limited basis. Call (360) 263-5800 or email

Facebook: Balanced Life Today Twitter: BalancedLifeTdy LinkedIn: Jana Beeman Read more of her articles her experts page on at Permission is granted to reprint this article in its entirety including all contact information. All rights reserved. November 2011.

Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Health care decisions should be made in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The contents of this article are based upon the opinions of Jana Beeman unless otherwise noted. The information provided is for entertainment purposes only and Jana Beeman will not diagnose, treat or cure in any manner whatsoever any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body.

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Stat Counter

by Brian Koscienski and Chris Pisano

Okay, so now you have your website up and running, right? You update it once in a while to show new products and events, right? Excellent! Now – how many visitors do you have each week? Each month? Where are they coming from? Which pages are they looking at? If you don’t know the answers to those questions, then you need to find a way to measure these statistics. You need a stat counter.

Stat counters are nice little tools to keep track of … well, you guessed it … stats. Have you been to a website and at the bottom there is a set of numbers that may look like your car’s odometer? That’s a stat counter. You can find free ones with a quick internet search and if you can make your own website, then you can easily add a stat counter to it. Fortress Publishing, Inc. uses for our stat counting needs.

Stat counters do more than just keep track of how many hits your website gets. You can get a daily count, so you can see if you’re getting more hits before or after an event that you participate in. In fact, you can see how people are getting to your website. Google? Yahoo? A friend’s website that has your link? A book store that carries your material. You’ll see if people searched your name or your book title.

So, if you feel like you need more data to analyze, then get yourself a stat counter.

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Is Your Authenticity Shining Through?

by Rochelle Togo-Figa
originally published at

Imagine you’re sitting across from the prospect, you’ve just presented your services and you’re unsure what to do next. You end up leaving the meeting not knowing what the next steps are. Sadly, you realize you spent more time during the meeting in your head wondering what to say than learning what’s important to the prospect. You leave discouraged and believe you don’t have what it takes to sell. If this has ever happened to you, you’re not alone.

Many people believe there’s a certain way they have to sell if they’re going to be successful. They’re stopped before they even get started because they believe they’re lacking a special style.

The truth is, we’ve been selling ourselves since we were very young. When you were in school and making new friends, you were selling yourself. When you were looking for a job, you were selling yourself. What helped you make new friends and get that job was your authentic style. It’s the same in business. What helps you close sales are the innate qualities you already have.

None of us was born to sell. Successful people learn sales skills and techniques that help close the sale. Most importantly, successful people work at creating the relationship with the client right from the start by being authentic.

The key to authentic selling is to sell from your heart. When you sell from your heart, you’re not following a canned script. Nor are you trying to copy anyone else’s style. You’re being genuinely interested in the other person by asking the right questions and listening keenly to what’s being said.

Have you ever noticed how much more you enjoy a conversation when you feel heard and listened to? Well, that’s what you’re doing when you’re authentically selling. You’re allowing the prospect to do most of the talking. When you follow these steps you’re creating a long-lasting relationship that leads to getting the business. You’re showing you want to learn as much as you can about him or her to see how you can help.

Most people buy based on the K-L-T Factor. They first want to get to know you, they need to like you, and then trust you. Once you establish the K-L-T Factor with prospects, they’re ready to listen to what you have to say. The business relationship begins when you relax and allow your authenticity to shine through.

I remember early in my career how inauthentic I was with people. I was more concerned about how I was doing than learning about the prospect. I covered up my insecurities well. To everyone I looked as if I had everything handled. The truth is, I didn’t—far from it.

The turning point came when I became seriously ill. My life came to a screeching halt. It was then I slowed down and took an honest look at myself. For the first time in my life, I let my guard down and became real. Instead of listening to myself, I started listening to others. Rather than pushing and forcing things to happen, I began to listen to people with a genuine interest in them.

I let go of being pushy and aggressive. And within a short time I noticed a lot more business started coming to me easily. The sense of urgency and intensity I used to display disappeared and I started having fun.

Start to look for yourself to see where in your life or your business you’re pushing too hard and trying to force things to happen. Write down the areas where you’ve been inauthentic and covering it up. How is this impacting your life and your business? What are you committed to changing? Once you begin to make these changes and apply them in your business and life, you’ll feel more confident and relaxed because you’re being authentic.

All you need is to be genuine. Clients will be attracted to you when you become more interested then interesting. You’re allowing your authenticity to shine through!

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Corporate chameleon or modern-day maverick?

By Olga Sheean

We could learn a thing or two from birds—the feathered variety. They’re up at the crack of dawn every day, singing their little hearts out, and never worrying about where the next worm is coming from. They’re not moody and they don’t get depressed when it’s raining. (I’ve never seen a bird sulk—have you?) They add value to any natural environment, with zero negative impact. They stick together and they trust in nature’s rhythms. They’re true to themselves and they fly where their inner guidance takes them.

Humans, on the other hand, tend to be filled with self-doubt and insecurity—despite all our resources, skills and creativity. We have difficulty trusting ourselves or the natural order of things. We mask our fears, put on a brave front, and do whatever we can to impress others, in the hope that they’ll find us acceptable.

In life as in business, this insecurity cramps our style. It hinders our authenticity and the power that comes from being naturally, quirkily ourselves. In striving to make ourselves acceptable, we actually diminish our value. If we lack strong, healthy self-acceptance—as so many of us do, due to early negative programming or insensitive upbringing—we don’t believe we’re worthy of love, success or approval. As a result, we make compromises in the hope that others will like or accept us. We say yes when we really want to say no; we over-extend ourselves in our work because we want to prove our value; and we go along with what others want, to avoid conflict, disharmony or rejection.

Yet to be powerful in business and relationships, we need a strong sense of identity, healthy self-worth and the ability to embody our personal values in everyday life. Now, more than ever before, we’re being called upon to say what we mean, mean what we say, and practise social, moral and emotional integrity. When we do, we make a powerful impact. In the midst of all the hype and hard sell, authenticity is as refreshing as a cool shower on a blisteringly hot summer’s day.

The only thing that stops us from being more powerfully authentic is the fear of rejection. We’ll do almost anything to avoid that. But catering to this insecurity often brings us the very rejection we fear, whereas being brazenly authentic makes us attractively compelling. When we dare to be ourselves, to speak our minds and to express how we truly feel, we become magnets for good stuff.

Being authentic not only breaks long-standing cycles of conformity; it also gets people’s attention, as well as their respect and admiration. I’ve experienced this in my own work and life. When I say what I think/feel (despite anticipated negative reactions), I feel good about me—and that, in turn, generates some other positive outcome that matches the healthy self-worth I’ve demonstrated by being true to myself.

Finding true success and fulfillment is all about practising the very qualities that are so often missing in our early conditioning—respect, honesty and the ability to communicate with presence and transparency. These qualities are often missing in our business dealings too, as we’ve all been programmed to cater to the needs and expectations of others, rather than trusting in the value of our unique insights and contribution.

If you want to thrive in business or in love, dare to express what you really think; be proactive, rather than catering to existing circumstances or market forces; follow your instincts and find your voice, even if it means disagreeing with the boss; let go of the need to be accepted by others and focus instead on being true to you—the person you’ve got to live with for the rest of your life. Only when you give yourself the approval, acceptance and respect you’ve been seeking from others, can you really take off and fly.

Olga Sheean is an applied kinesiologist, therapist, relationship counsellor and empowerment coach who teaches a unique system of holistic self-mastery. Author of Fit for Love—find your self and your perfect mate, she offers in-person and online coaching/consultations worldwide. / /

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Evolution of an Art Calendar

by Violette Clark

Hooray!!!  The sample copies of my “Bliss” calendar have arrived!  I never get tired of seeing my art on products.  It’s such a thrill i tell you!


I’ll be ordering a bunch of calendars so you’ll be able to buy them directly from me!  Yippee!

I don’t know about you but I always wonder where artist’s get their ideas and inspiration from.  I’m assuming some of you are interested so I’ll tell you the story of how the Bliss calendar came to be.

A few years ago my nephew was paralysed in a tragic rugby accident. Naturally the entire family was distraught.  We tried to think of things to give my nephew Adam to buoy his spirits.  So i decided to create a series of inspirational cards which i printed off and laminated.  Every time i visited Adam I would tape an inspiration card on the wall behind his bed.  Adam liked the cards and so did his caregivers who would come to his room to check out his latest miniature missives of hope.

By the end of Adam’s stay at the Rehabilitation center his wall was full of colourful, glittery cards.

A while later I was on twitter and looked at the twitter feed – much to my surprise Brush Dance was looking for artists. I thought “Surely they won’t want my illustrations?”  but then again another thought was “What do you have to lose?  You have those lovely cards you created for Adam – they are different and inspirational in nature. Why not give it a try. You have nothing to lose!”  So I did and Brush Dance accepted my designs!

Now I’ve already illustrated a calendar for 2013 and was asked to submit designs for 2014 if you can believe it!  It all started with the desire to inspire my nephew to heal and feel hopeful.  As you can see you just never know where things might lead to.

That whimsical mixed media illustration you just created might morph into a line of greeting cards or a new rubberstamp design. Sometimes you don’t know where the Muse is leading you until later on.  Your job is to be a conduit for the creativity within you.  Show up and Create and leave a trail of glitter in your wake!

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Turning Family Research into a Novel

by Carla Rieger

If you spent years doing amazing family research, what do you finally do with it all? A compilation of facts about your family history may be interesting to you, a few close family members, and maybe other family historians, but what about the rest of the world? This article is about using your genealogical research as the starting point to create a compelling novel or short story. There is plenty of information available about how to turn your genealogical research into a nonfiction book as a legacy for your family but almost nothing about writing a fiction inspired by true events discovered in your research. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing this kind of a project?


1. Making your story more readable

People tend to be drawn into a story if there is a certain structure to the story, or what myth expert, Joseph Campbell, might call The Monomyth. This is a basic pattern of stories found all over world and from all times in history that seems to have a powerful psychological effect on readers. Real lives are generally complicated and full of tangents and mundane aspects of life that are either confusing or generally un-interesting to the typical reader. Because of this, many so-called true stories are often just inspired by true events; meaning several characters or events have been collapsed into one, or timelines have been shortened, new events and characters have been added in, names and dates changed, and so on. Another reason to employ the Monomyth pattern is because people often do family research because they want to understand themselves more fully. Using this pattern will force you to uncover the universal truths in their journeys which in turn will help you and your readers learn some of life’s greatest lessons.

2. Protecting people’s privacy and avoiding legal hassles

Some people don’t want their life stories made public to others especially if there is controversial information included. Even those who agreed to be identified in a story have been known to later try to sue the author once it is on the market and they read the final version.  Even if you change their name, some family members have objected because the surrounding facts still point directly to them. Also you may feel free to talk about a relative that has passed away but later discover their descendants are unhappy about it and want to sue. As long as you are maintaining the truth in the essence of the story, changing gender, relationships, professions, geography or time periods can be a great way to protect yourself and others.

3. Missing information

It may be that you can’t find all the details of what happened to family due to records either not existing or being lost. Rather than leave parts of the story blank you may choose to invent them, or draw conclusions based on existing facts.


1. You might lose some purists

Some people will only read a book if they think it’s a totally true story rather than semi-biographical. This is a valid concern and so you will need to decide who you are writing down these stories for. If keeping things totally factual is important to you and your readers, and won’t create legal problems, then it may be worth trying to do that.

2. Your ancestors’ stories are already in a readable story form

The actual story of your ancestors may be already a strong narrative and therefore embellishing it may actually ruin the story.  It is unusual but you can find compact stories full of intrigue, dramatic tension and foreshadowing without much help from you as a writer. This is usually the case if you take just one incident in a person’s life such as surviving a shipwreck or winning an important audition that led to huge career success.

Feel free to comment below on what you think may be the advantages or disadvantages of turning your family research into a story or novel.


Carla Rieger is the author of the award winning book and now the screenplay The Change Artist. After her father died, she discovered a hidden box of mementos suggesting he had changed his identity a couple of times in his life. Her journey of uncovering the truth completely changed her life. She used a novel format instead of a memoir or biography because of the advantages listed above. For more information about Carla and the book go to:

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The Butler Did It!

by Irene Butler

The Butler Did It!  That is… Rick and Irene Butler Did It!  Be ready for this old cliché to take on new meaning when you read my book!

What did we do? We circumnavigated this beautiful big blue ball for the same cost as being couch potatoes. “Trekking the Globe with Mostly Gentle Footsteps: Twelve Countries in Twelve Months” is about our encounters, from the enlightening to the bazaar and the lessons we learned along the way.

Embedded travel tips tell how you too can succeed in meeting a budget, while still adhering to our travel motto “we are not here to suffer”, and how to not let the 24/7 “togetherness” end in divorce. Plus a sharing of the most valuable lesson of all “expect the unexpected”.

Learn more about Trekking the Globe at and also check out the many other countries we have trekked through and the experiences that have “wowed” us – such as this year’s adventures in the oil-rich United Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, where excesses are astonishing; then the mysterious allure of Syria, the seaside rhythms of Jordan and Sinai coasts, the intensity of Israel, and our path through Technicolor Vietnam.

Safe Travels Always,
Irene Butler
Author/Travel Writer/Photographer

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Title: The Simple Truth About Branding

by Isabelle Mercier Turcotte


Every entrepreneur wants to have their company’s brand “WELL KNOWN, TRUSTED & DESIRED” …but not all brands are worthy of that privilege.

What is branding? Well, let me start by clarifying what branding is not:

  • Branding is NOT marketing and branding is NOT a logo either. A logo means absolutely NOTHING, unless of course, the company behind it does.

The truth is that successful branding is not represented by a cool logo, it’s much more than that. Successful branding is a combination of an authentic promise with a clear, aligned and consistent delivery. These elements are crucial because the promise and delivery are what build trust in your company and increase customer loyalty.

Here are 5 tips to help you build a successful brand:

A purpose is the big WHY behind the WHAT you and your company are truly meant to be doing and it’s what gets you and your team out of bed in the morning. Know and share that purpose and learn to “Stay On Purpose” with everyone you work with and everything you do. A brand is not a brand without a strong cause.

Not all clients are ideal clients – far from it. Know who you truly want to work with and who you are best suited to help. Know what companies inspire you and why. The why is important as it is usually closely linked to fulfilling your purpose and aligning with your core values. (Core values are what you stand for, your decision makers).

It is important to be very CLEAR (internally with your team and externally with your communication tools) on what you are selling. If you are not clear, how can you expect your prospects to be! Here’s an example:

What does Nike sell? They don’t sell sneakers, socks or sports apparel.
Nike sells athleticism and victory.

If you watch any Nike commercial, you will find that they don’t talk about how they manufacture the soles of their shoes, and they never mention the durability of the leather.

So what DO they do? They tap into the emotional connection with inner drive, our profound desire to push past our limits and achieve something great. What you will see in Nike commercials is a basketball player hitting a three point shot on the buzzer to win the championship; or the look of determination on the early morning runner’s face as she blazes through her town.

The tangible product or service we all sell is the catalyst that addresses the deeper, emotional need.

Don’t try to be everything to all people. Be clear about what you are BEST AT SOLVING in this world and offer that to those who get it, need it and want it. The more you define and focus your brand on the one thing that you do better than anyone else, the more clients will recognize you and respect you for it, therefore contributing to building a stronger brand.

Margarita and I built our previous business’ reputation solely on great relationships and ideal referrals. I truly believe that if you take care of your clients, and understand and deliver on their needs, other great people and other great brands will want to be a part of that.

Building a successful brand is building trust; it takes time and needs constant attention. It is a mixture of attracting new ideal business, hiring the best people and delivering on your promise day in and day out.

And that is the simple truth about branding!

Leap of the Week:
Take a few minutes to think about what you are really selling, beyond your product or service. How is your product or service making life better?

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Twitter: @leapzone

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